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House - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
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    In the Committees - Tuesday, September 19, 2023

    House Hearings:
    • Committee on Oversight and Accountability - “The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in Prescription Drug Markets Part II: Not What the Doctor Ordered” 2154 RHOB (10:00 AM); “Bidenomics: A Perfect Storm of Spending, Debt, and Inflation” 2247 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Armed Services - Defense Cooperation with Taiwan 2118 RHOB (10:35 AM)
    • Education and Labor - 2175 RHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Energy - Examining Policies to Improve Seniors' Access to Innovative Drugs, Medical Devices, and Technology 2322 RHOB (10:00 AM); “Protecting American Manufacturing: Examining EPA’s PM2.5 Proposed Rule” 2123 RHOB (10:30 AM); Member Day Hearing 2123 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Financial Services - Oversight of the SEC’s Division of Investment Management 2128 RHOB (10:00 AM); A Holistic Review of Regulators: Regulatory Overreach and Economic Consequences 2128 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Foreign Affairs - Efforts to Address Ritual Abuse and Sacrifice in Africa 2200 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security - 310 CHOB (10:00 AM)
    • House Administration - Oversight of United States Capitol Security: Assessing Security Failures on January 6, 2021 1310 LHOB (3:00 PM)
    • Intelligence - CIA Investigation Update (CLOSED) HVC-304 CAPITOL (10:00 AM)
    • Judiciary - Examining Proposed Constitutional Amendments 2141 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Natural Resources - Oversight hearing titled “Examining Barriers to Access in Federal Waters: A Closer Look at the Marine Sanctuary and Monument System.” 1324 LHOB (10:15 AM); Oversight hearing titled, “Examining the Biden Administration’s Mismanagement of the Federal Onshore Oil and Gas Program.” 1334 LHOB (10:30 AM); Legislative Hearing on 4 Bills: • H.R. 1657 (Rep. Stauber), “Lake Winnibigoshish Land Exchange Act of 2023”; • H.R. 3107 (Rep. Neguse), “Improving Outdoor Recreation Coordination Act”; • H.R. 3200 (Rep. Zinke), “Gateway Community and Recreation Enhancement Act”; and • H.R. 4984 (Rep. Comer), “D.C. Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Campus Revitalization Act”. 1334 LHOB (2:15 PM)
    • Science, Space & Tech. - Chips on the Table: A one year review of the Chips and Science Act 2318 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Transportation and Infrastructure - FEMA: The Current State of Disaster Readiness, Response, and Recovery 2167 RHOB (10:00 AM); Use and Regulation of Autonomous and Experimental Maritime Technologies 2253 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Veterans' Affairs - VA’s Federal Supremacy Initiative: Putting Veterans First? 360 CHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Ways and Means - Hearing on Reduced Care for Patients: Fallout From Flawed Implementation of Surprise Medical Billing Protections 1100 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    Senate Hearings:
    • Appropriations - Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Federal Communications Commission. SD-124 (02:30 PM)
    • Finance - Hearings to examine aging in place, focusing on the vital role of home health in access to care. SD-215 (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Hearings to examine advanced technology, focusing on threats to national security. SD-562 (02:30 PM)
    • Intelligence - Hearings to examine advancing intelligence in the era of Artificial Intelligence, focusing on addressing the national security implications of AI. SH-216 (02:30 PM)
    • Judiciary - Hearings to examine corporate manipulation of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. SD-226 (10:00 AM)
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