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    In the Committees - Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    House Hearings:
    Senate Hearings:
    • Agriculture - Hearings to examine rural water, focusing on modernizing our community water systems. SR-328A (03:00 PM)
    • Appropriations - Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2024 for the Securities and Exchange Commission. SD-124 (02:45 PM)
    • Energy - An oversight hearing to examine of the Bureau of Reclamation, including S.461, to make certain irrigation districts eligible for Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program pumping power, S.482, to amend the Klamath Basin Water Supply Enhancement Act of 2000 to provide the Secretary of the Interior with certain authorities with respect to projects affecting the Klamath Basin watershed, S.739, to clarify jurisdiction with respect to certain Bureau of Reclamation pumped storage development, S.1118, to establish the Open Access Evapotranspiration (OpenET) Data Program, S.1215, to require assessments of opportunities to install and maintain floating photovoltaic solar panels at Bureau of Reclamation and Corps of Engineers projects, S.1521, to amend the Federal Power Act to modernize and improve the licensing of non-Federal hydropower projects, S.1662, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the Midvale Irrigation District the Pilot Butte Power Plant in the State of Wyoming, S.1955, to amend the Central Utah Project Completion Act to authorize expenditures for the conduct of certain water conservation measures in the Great Salt Lake basin, S.2102, to provide for drought preparedness and improved water supply reliability, S.2160, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to authorize certain extraordinary operation and maintenance work for urban canals of concern, S.2161, to provide financial assistance for projects to address certain subsidence impacts in the State of California, S.2162, to support water infrastructure in Reclamation States, S.2166, to amend the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991 and the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to provide grants to States and Indian Tribes for programs to voluntarily repurpose agricultural land to reduce consumptive water use, S.2169, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to carry out watershed pilots, S.2202, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to authorize the modification of transferred works to increase public benefits and other project benefits as part of extraordinary operation and maintenance work, and S.2247, to reauthorize the Bureau of Reclamation to provide cost-shared funding to implement the endangered and threatened fish recovery programs for the Upper Colorado and San Juan River Basins. SD-366 (02:30 PM)
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Business meeting to consider S.1253, to increase the number of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Customs and Border Protection officers and support staff and to require reports that identify staffing, infrastructure, and equipment needed to enhance security at ports of entry, S.1444, to increase the pay and enhance the training of United States Border Patrol agents, S.2251, to improve the cybersecurity of the Federal Government, S.2291, to establish the Northern Border Coordination Center, S.2289, to direct the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office to assess foreign influence in the National Industrial Security Program and to develop a single, integrated strategy to better identify and mitigate such foreign influence, S.2278, to establish Image Adjudicator and Supervisory Image Adjudicator positions in the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Office of Field Operations, S.2248, to require a pilot program on the use of big data analytics to identify vessels evading sanctions and export controls and to require a report on the availability in the United States of emerging and foundational technologies subject to export controls, S.2272, to amend title 5, United States Code, to provide for special base rates of pay for wildland firefighters, S.1332, to require the Office of Management and Budget to revise the Standard Occupational Classification system to establish a separate code for direct support professionals, S.2219, to amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to expand access to breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace, S.2292, to improve the transparency of purchases by the Federal Government of data or information that can be used to identify an individual, S.2286, to improve the effectiveness and performance of certain Federal financial assistance programs, S.1524, to ensure that whistleblowers, including contractors, are protected from retaliation when a Federal employee orders a reprisal, S.2283, to prohibit the procurement of certain items containing perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) or perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and prioritize the procurement of products not containing PFAS, S.2270, to establish and maintain a database within each agency for executive branch ethics records of noncareer appointees, S.2293, to establish the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers Council, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officers, and Artificial Intelligence Governance Boards, S.2073, to amend title 31, United States Code, to require agencies to include a list of outdated or duplicative reporting requirements in annual budget justifications, S.2032, to require the reduction of the reliance and expenditures of the Federal Government on legacy information technology systems, S.1973, to require the purchase of domestically made flags of the United States of America for use by the Federal Government, S.2256, to authorize the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency to establish an apprenticeship program and to establish a pilot program on cybersecurity training for veterans and members of the Armed Forces transitioning to civilian life, S.2260, to require transparency in notices of funding opportunity, and the nomination of Fara Damelin, of Virginia, to be Inspector General, Federal Communications Commission. SD-562 (09:30 AM)
    • Indian Affairs - Business meeting to consider S.195, to provide compensation to the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community for the taking without just compensation of land by the United States inside the exterior boundaries of the L'Anse Indian Reservation that were guaranteed to the Community under a treaty signed in 1854, S.382, to take certain land in the State of Washington into trust for the benefit of the Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation, S.910, to amend the Grand Ronde Reservation Act, S.1286, to amend the Siletz Reservation Act to address the hunting, fishing, trapping, and animal gathering activities of the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, S.1322, to amend the Act of August 9, 1955, to modify the authorized purposes and term period of tribal leases, S.1987, to provide for the settlement of the water rights claims of the Fort Belknap Indian Community, S.2273, to amend the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act, S.2285, to reauthorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996; to be immediately followed by a hearing to examine S.2088, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to complete all actions necessary for certain land to be held in restricted fee status by the Oglala Sioux Tribe and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. SD-628 (02:30 PM)
    • Intelligence - To receive a closed briefing on certain intelligence matters. SH-219 (02:30 PM)
    • Judiciary - Hearings to examine trends in vertical merger enforcement. SD-226 (02:45 PM)
    • Small Business - Business meeting to consider S.38, to amend the Small Business Act to codify the Boots to Business Program, S.77, to reauthorize the State Trade Expansion Program of the Small Business Administration, S.609, to establish a pilot program awarding competitive grants to organizations administering entrepreneurial development programming to formerly incarcerated individuals, and other purposes, S.673, to allow nonprofit child care providers to participate in certain loan programs of the Small Business Administration, S.936, to amend the Small Business Act to include requirements relating to graduates of career and technical education programs or programs of study for small business development centers and women's business centers, S.943, to increase the minimum disaster loan amount for which the Small Business Administration may require collateral, S.1156, to establish an Office of Native American Affairs within the Small Business Administration, S.1345, to amend the Small Business Act to enhance the Office of Credit Risk Management, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to issue rules relating to environmental obligations of certified development companies, S.1352, to amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to improve the loan guaranty program, enhance the ability of small manufacturers to access affordable capital, S.1370, to reauthorize and limit the pre-disaster mitigation program of the Small Business Administration, S.1396, to improve commercialization activities in the SBIR and STTR programs, S.1402, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Commerce for Minority Business Development, to establish a grant program to create or expand programs at minority-serving institutions and historically Black colleges and universities that promote minority business ownership and entrepreneurship, S.1458, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to establish a program to assist small business concerns with purchasing cybersecurity products and services, S.1739, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to establish an Innovation Voucher Grant Program, S.1763, to include smoke in the definition of disaster in the Small Business Act, S.2094, to reauthorize the Interagency Committee on Women's Business Enterprise, S.2099, to establish an Office of Community Financial Institutions within the Small Business Administration that will strengthen the ability of Community Financial Institutions to support the development of small business concerns in underserved communities, S.2100, to amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to modify fees and funding for certain small business refinancing loans and loans to qualified State or local development companies, S.2146, to amend the Small Business Act to increase the Governmentwide goal for participation in Federal contracts by small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans, S.2184, to amend the Small Business Act to improve the Women's Business Center Program, S.2185, to amend the Small Business Act to require an annual report on entrepreneurial development programs, S.2206, to increase the guarantee amount under the Surety Bond Program of the Small Business Administration, S.2209, to establish a veteran Federal procurement entrepreneurship training program, S.2212, to require the Administrator of the Small Business Administration to establish an SBIC Advisory Committee, and an original bill entitled, "Community Advantage Loan Program Act". SR-428A (03:00 PM)
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