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House - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Senate - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

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    In the Committees - Tuesday, February 6, 2024

    House Hearings:
    • Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2141 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Committee on Oversight and Accountability - the Full Committee to Consider the Following: 1) H.R. 5798, the Protecting Our Nation's Capital Emergency Act of 2023; 2) H.R. 262, the All Economic Regulations are Transparent (ALERT) Act of 2023; 3) H.R. ____, the Information Quality Assurance Act of 2024; 4) H.R. 7184, the Congressional Budget Office Data Access Act; 5) H.R. 6972, the Securing Chain of Command Continuity Act; 6) H.R. 6283, the Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging (DRUG) Act; 7) H.R. 5658, the Vote by Mail Tracking Act; 8) H.R. 5887, the Government Service Delivery Improvement Act; 9) Several postal naming measures. 2154 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Budget - H.R. 766, Preventive Health Savings Act; H.R. 7032, Congressional Budget Office Data Sharing Act; H.R. 5301, Eliminate Useless Reports Act of 2023 210 CHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Education and Labor - 2175 RHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Energy - “Politics Over People: How Biden’s LNG Export Ban Threatens America’s Energy and Economic Security” 2123 RHOB (10:00 AM); Protecting American Health Security: Oversight of Shortcomings in the FDA's Foreign Drug Inspection Program 2322 RHOB (10:30 AM)
    • Financial Services - The Annual Report of the Financial Stability Oversight Council 2128 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Foreign Affairs - Various Measures 210 CAPITOL (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security - 310 CHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Natural Resources - Markup of: • H.R. 1829 (Rep. Crane), To require the Secretary of Agriculture to convey the Pleasant Valley Ranger District Administrative Site to Gila County, Arizona; • H.R. 2925 (Rep. Amodei), “Mining Regulatory Clarity Act of 2023”; • H.R. 4297 (Rep. Neguse), “Bolts Ditch Act”; and • H.R. 4984 (Rep. Comer), “D.C. Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Campus Revitalization Act”. 1324 LHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Science, Space & Tech. - Federal Science Agencies and the Promise of AI in Driving Scientific Discoveries 2318 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Small Business - “Under the Microscope: Reviewing the SBA’s Small Business Size Standards” 2360 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Transportation and Infrastructure - The State of American Aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration 2167 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Ways and Means - Hearing on Examining Chronic Drug Shortages in the United States 1100 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    Senate Hearings:
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Hearings to examine foreign influence in the United States, focusing on reviewing Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey and Company, M. Klein and Company, and Teneo's compliance with congressional subpoenas. SD-562 (03:30 PM)
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