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House - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Senate - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

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    In the Committees - Thursday, November 30, 2023

    House Hearings:
    • Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government - Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government 2141 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Committee on Oversight and Accountability - 2154 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Rescheduled - Discourse Power: The CCP's Strategy to Shape the Global Information Space 390 CHOB (7:15 PM)
    • Education and Labor - 2175 RHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Energy - Unmasking Challenges CDC Faces in Rebuilding Public Trust Amid Respiratory Illness Season 2322 RHOB (10:00 AM); Oversight of President Biden's Broadband Takeover 2123 RHOB (10:30 AM)
    • Foreign Affairs - Ethiopia: Promise or Perils, The State of U.S. Policy 210 CAPITOL (10:00 AM); An Urgent Appeal to Let Bishop Alvarez Go 2200 RHOB (10:00 AM); The U.S. Border Crisis and the American Solution to an International Problem 210 CAPITOL (2:00 PM)
    • House Administration - Full Committee Markup of Various Measures 1310 LHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Judiciary - Hearing on Compliance with Committee Oversight 2141 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Natural Resources - Legislative Hearing on: • H.R. ___ (Rep. Westerman), “Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act” or the “EXPLORE Act”. 1324 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Science, Space & Tech. - The Role of Federal Research in Establishing a Robust U.S. Supply Chain of Critical Minerals and Materials 2318 RHOB (10:00 AM); Missing the Target: CEQ’s Meritless Selection of SBTi 2318 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Small Business - 2360 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Transportation and Infrastructure - Turbulence Ahead: Consequences of Delaying a Long-Term FAA Bill 2167 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Ways and Means - Markup of H.R. 5988, H.R. 6408, H.R. 1432, H.R. 2426, H.R. 3058, and H.R. 529 1100 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    Senate Hearings:
    • Agriculture - Hearings to examine the nominations of Basil Ivanhoe Gooden, of Virginia, to be Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development, and Summer K. Mersinger, of South Dakota, to be a Commissioner of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. SR-328A (10:00 AM)
    • Banking - Hearings to examine the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Semi-Annual Report to Congress. SD-538 (10:15 AM)
    • Energy - Hearings to examine opportunities and challenges associated with advanced nuclear reactor commercialization. SD-366 (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Hearings to examine the nominations of Hampton Y. Dellinger, of North Carolina, to be Special Counsel, Office of Special Counsel, and Henry J. Kerner, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Merit Systems Protection Board. SD-562 (10:00 AM)
    • Judiciary - Business meeting to consider an authorization for subpoenas relating to the Supreme Court ethics investigation, and the nominations of Mustafa Taher Kasubhai, to be United States District Judge for the District of Oregon, Eumi K. Lee, to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of California, Seth Robert Aframe, of New Hampshire, to be United States Circuit Judge for the First Circuit, Edward Sunyol Kiel, to be United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey, Sarah French Russell, to be United States District Judge for the District of Connecticut, Christopher Charles Fonzone, of Pennsylvania, to be an Assistant Attorney General, Department of Justice, Sara E. Hill, and John David Russell, both to be a United States District Judge for the Northern District of Oklahoma, and Ramona Villagomez Manglona, to be Judge for the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. SH-216 (10:00 AM)
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