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    In the Committees - Wednesday, October 25, 2023

    House Hearings:
    • Rescheduled - Mark-up on: • H.R. 1792 (Rep. Radewagen), “South Pacific Tuna Treaty Act of 2023”; • H.R. 2560 (Rep. Keating), “Sea Turtle Rescue Assistance Act of 2023”; • H.R. 3415 (Rep. Hageman), “Pilot Butte Power Plant Conveyance Act”; • H.R. 4587 (Rep. Rutherford), “Red Snapper Act”; • H.R. 4770 (Rep. Sarbanes), “Chesapeake Bay Science, Education, and Ecosystem Enhancement Act of 2023”; • H.R. 5009 (Rep. Joyce of Ohio), “Wildlife Innovation and Longevity Driver reauthorization Act” or the “WILD Act”; • H.R. 5283 (Rep. Malliotakis), “Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023”; and • H.R. 5616 (Rep. Graves of Louisiana), “Bringing Reliable Investment into Domestic Gulf Energy Production Act of 2023” or the “BRIDGE Production Act of 2023. 1324 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Postponed - “Oversight of the SBA’s Office of Entrepreneurial Development” 2360 RHOB (10:00 AM); Business Meeting 360 CHOB (10:15 AM); Veterans Serving Veterans: The Impact of America’s Businesses on Veteran Employment and Opportunity 360 CHOB (10:30 AM)
    • Committee on Oversight and Accountability - “Faith Under Fire: An Examination of Global Religious Persecution” 2154 RHOB (10:00 AM); “The Power of Apprenticeships: Faster, Better Paths to Prosperous Jobs and Less Waste in Higher Education” 2154 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Armed Services - The Submarine Industrial Base and its Ability to Support the AUKUS Framework 2118 RHOB (2:30 PM)
    • Energy - Subcommittee on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security Markup 2123 RHOB (10:00 AM); Supporting Access to Long-Term Services and Supports: An Examination of the Impacts of Proposed Regulations on Workforce and Access to Care 2123 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Financial Services - Modernizing Financial Services Through Innovation and Competition 2128 RHOB (10:00 AM); How America and Its Allies Can Stop Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran from Evading Sanctions and Financing Terror. 2128 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Foreign Affairs - The U.S.-Honduras Bilateral Relationship: Analyzing the Socialist Government of President Xiomara Castro de Zelaya 2200 RHOB (2:00 PM); The Global Engagement Center: Helping or Hurting U.S. Foreign Policy HVC-210 CAPITOL (2:00 PM)
    • Natural Resources - Legislative Hearing on the following bills: • H.R. 1449 (Rep. Fulcher), “Committing Leases for Energy Access Now Act” or the “CLEAN Act”; • H.R. 2855 (Rep. Soto), “Sinkhole Mapping Act of 2023”; • Discussion draft of H.R. ___ (Rep. Valadao), “Right of Way Application Transparency and Accountability Act” or the “ROWATA Act”; and • Discussion draft of H.R. ___ (Rep. Boebert), “Restoring American Energy Dominance Act.” 1324 LHOB (2:00 PM); Legislative Hearing on H.R. 520 (Rep. McClintock), To amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to provide that artificially propagated animals shall be treated the same under that Act as naturally propagated animals; H.R. 2990 (Rep. Bonamici), “National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Sexual Harassment and Assault Prevention Improvements Act of 2023”; H.R. 5103 (Rep. Donalds), “Fishery Improvement to Streamline untimely regulatory Hurdles post Emergency Situation Act” or the “FISHES Act”; H.R. 5504 (Rep. Newhouse), To require the Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to withdraw proposed rules relating to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and for other purposes; H.R. 5509 (Rep. Porter), “Electronic Permitting Modernization Act”; H.R. 5874 (Rep. Ciscomani), “Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Program Act” or the “TAAP Act”; and H.R. ___ (Rep. Graves of Louisiana), To prohibit the implementation of certain documents until the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries of the National Marine Fisheries Service issues documents relating to the Rice’s whale. 1334 LHOB (2:15 PM)
    • Ways and Means - Educational Freedom and Opportunity for American Families, Students, and Workers 1100 LHOB (10:00 AM)
    Senate Hearings:
    • Budget - Hearings to examine how climate change threatens supply chains. SD-608 (10:00 AM)
    • Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe - Hearings to examine Hamas' hostages, Putin's prisoners, and freeing international captives. LHOB-1334 (10:00 AM)
    • Energy - Hearings to examine S.175, to codify certain public land orders relating to the revocation of certain withdrawals of public land in the State of Alaska, S.297, to amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to authorize certain construction activities on public lands, S.1348, to redesignate land within certain wilderness study areas in the State of Wyoming, S.1719, to amend the Healthy Forests Restoration Act of 2003 to establish emergency fireshed management areas, S.1764, to improve Federal activities relating to wildfires, S.1889, to provide for the recognition of certain Alaska Native communities and the settlement of certain claims under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, S.2132, to require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a pilot program for the establishment and use of a pre-fire-suppression stand density index, S.2151, to amend the Southwest Forest Health and Wildlife Prevention Act of 2004 to require the establishment of an additional Institute under that Act, S.2581, to extend the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, S.2615, to amend the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act to provide that Village Corporations shall not be required to convey land in trust to the State of Alaska for the establishment of Municipal Corporations, S.2855, to modernize and streamline the permitting process for broadband infrastructure on Federal land, S.2867, to address the forest health crisis on the National Forest System and public lands, S.2991, to improve revegetation and carbon sequestration activities in the United States, S.3033, to withdraw certain Federal land in the Pecos Watershed area of the State of New Mexico from mineral entry, S.3036, to require the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the State of Utah certain Federal land under the administrative jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management within the boundaries of Camp Williams, Utah, S.3044, to redesignate the Mount Evans Wilderness as the "Mount Blue Sky Wilderness", S.3045, to provide for the transfer of administrative jurisdiction over certain Federal land in the State of California, S.3046, to make permanent the authority to collect Shasta-Trinity National Forest marina fees, H.R.3324, to extend the authority to collect Shasta-Trinity Marina fees through fiscal year 2029, S.3062, to provide for the removal of small-diameter trees in fire hazard areas, and S.3079, to establish a policy regarding appraisal and valuation services for real property for a transaction over which the Secretary of the Interior has jurisdiction. SD-366 (02:30 PM)
    • Finance - Hearings to examine paid leave, focusing on policy, practice, and impact on the workforce. SD-215 (10:00 AM)
    • Foreign Relations - Business meeting to consider the nomination of Jacob J. Lew, of New York, to be Ambassador to the State of Israel, Department of State, and other pending nominations. S-116 (10:00 AM); Hearings to examine the Department of State's strategy for security in the Black Sea region. SD-419 (02:30 PM)
    • Health and Education - Business meeting to consider the nominations of Monica M. Bertagnolli, of Massachusetts, to be Director of the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Charlotte A. Burrows, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Erika L. McEntarfer, of the District of Columbia, to be Commissioner of Labor Statistics, Department of Labor, Amanda Wood Laihow, of Maine, to be a Member of Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, and other pending calendar business. SD-430 (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Business meeting to consider S.2685, to make data and internal guidance on excess personal property publicly available, S.2866, to improve the customer experience of the Federal Government, ensure that Federal services are simple, seamless, and secure, S.3029, to amend title 5, United States Code, to increase death gratuities and funeral allowances for Federal employees, S.2150, to establish an Interagency Council on Service to promote and strengthen opportunities for military service, national service, and public service for all people of the United States, S.2087, to reauthorize the Congressional Award Act, S.2414, to require agencies with working dog programs to implement the recommendations of the Government Accountability Office relating to the health and welfare of working dogs, S.1258, to require the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to submit to Congress an annual report on projects that are over budget and behind schedule, S.3071, to amend section 324 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to incentivize States, Indian Tribes, and Territories to close disaster recovery projects by authorizing the use of excess funds for management costs for other disaster recovery projects, and S.3067, to require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to conduct an evaluation and submit to Congress a report on ways to reduce the complexity of the cost effectiveness requirements for hazard mitigation assistance. SD-562 (10:30 AM)
    • Indian Affairs - Hearings to examine implementing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Inflation Reduction Act in native communities. SD-628 (02:00 PM)
    • Intelligence - To receive a closed briefing on certain intelligence matters. SH-219 (02:30 PM)
    • Judiciary - Hearings to examine ensuring the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children. SD-G50 (10:00 AM); Hearings to examine the human rights of foster children. SD-226 (02:30 PM)
    • Veterans - Hearings to examine VA accountability and transparency, focusing on quality care and benefits for veterans. SR-418 (03:30 PM)
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