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House - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.
Senate - meets at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

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    In the Committees - Wednesday, January 17, 2024

    House Hearings:
    • Committee on Oversight and Accountability - “The Biden Administration’s Regulatory and Policymaking Efforts to Undermine U.S. Immigration Law” 2154 RHOB (10:00 AM); “Toward an AI-Ready Workforce” 2154 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Rescheduled - “Pathways to Success: Supporting Entrepreneurs and Employees with Disabilities” 2360 RHOB (10:00 AM); International Financing of Nuclear Energy 2128 RHOB (2:00 PM); Strengthening American Communications Leadership with Open Radio Access Networks 2123 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Energy - A Threat to Every Community: Assessing the Safety, Health, and Economic Consequences of President Biden's Border Policies 2322 RHOB (2:30 PM)
    • Foreign Affairs - Examining the Flow of U.S. Money into China’s Military Might 210 CAPITOL (10:00 AM); Protecting Emerging Technologies for Peace and Stability in the Indo-Pacific 210 CAPITOL (2:00 PM)
    • Homeland Security - “Safeguarding Dissident Voices: Addressing Transnational Repression Threats to Homeland Security” 310 Select one (2:00 PM)
    • Natural Resources - Markup on: • H.R. 1246 (Rep. Hageman), To authorize leases of up to 99 years for land held in trust for federally recognized Indian tribes; • H.R. 2950 (Rep. Huffman), “Coastal Habitat Conservation Act of 2023”; • H.R. 5482 (Rep. Hageman), “Energy Poverty Prevention and Accountability Act of 2023”; • H.R. 5770 (Rep. Neguse), “Water Data Improvement Act”; • H.R. 5874 (Rep. Ciscomani), To amend the United States-Mexico Transboundary Aquifer Assessment Act to reauthorize the United States-Mexico transboundary aquifer assessment program; • H.R. 6443 (Rep. Issa), “Jamul Indian Village Land Transfer Act”; • H.R. 6474 (Rep. Steel), To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to expedite geothermal exploration and development in previously studied or developed areas; and • H.R. 6492 (Rep. Westerman), “Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act” or the “EXPLORE Act”. 1324 LHOB (10:15 AM)
    • Science, Space & Tech. - Returning to the Moon: Keeping Artemis on Track 2318 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Transportation and Infrastructure - 2167 RHOB (10:00 AM)
    • Veterans' Affairs - VA Revolving Funds: Are Veterans Being Shortchanged? 360 CHOB (2:00 PM)
    • Ways and Means - Pathways to Independence: Supporting Youth Aging Out of Foster Care 2020 RHOB (2:00 PM)
    Senate Hearings:
    • Budget - Hearings to examine closing corporate loopholes that reward offshoring jobs and profits. SD-608 (10:00 AM)
    • Foreign Relations - To receive a closed briefing on strategic implications for cross-straits relations of the 2024 Taiwan elections. SVC-217 (10:00 AM)
    • Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs - Business meeting to consider the nominations of Cathy Ann Harris, of Maryland, to be Chairman, and Henry J. Kerner, of Virginia, to be a Member, both of the Merit Systems Protection Board, Suzanne Elizabeth Summerlin, of Florida, to be General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, Jeff Rezmovic, of Maryland, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Homeland Security, and Hampton Y. Dellinger, of North Carolina, to be Special Counsel, Office of Special Counsel. SD-562 (09:30 AM); Hearings to examine the Cyber Safety Review Board, focusing on expectations, outcomes, and enduring questions. SD-562 (10:00 AM)
    • Joint Economic Committee - Hearings to examine policy approaches to increasing the supply of affordable housing, focusing on rebuilding the American Dream. SH-216 (02:30 PM)
    • Judiciary - Hearings to examine five years of the First Step Act, focusing on reimagining rehabilitation and protecting public safety. SD-G50 (10:00 AM)
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