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Veteran Fraud Reimbursement Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass
  Bill: HR 4016, To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the repayment by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs of benefits misused by a fiduciary.  (Rep. Connolly, Gerald E. [D-VA-11] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:22:00 PM
  Passed:  413 - 0
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 3738, To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish in the Department of Veterans Affairs the Veterans Economic Opportunity and Transition Administration, and for other purposes. (Rep. Wenstrup, Brad R. [R-OH-2] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:18:00 PM
  Passed:  403 - 10
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Weather Act Reauthorization Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 6093, To improve the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's weather research, support improvements in weather forecasting and prediction, expand commercial opportunities for the provision of weather data, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Lucas, Frank D. [R-OK-3] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:14:00 PM
  Passed:  394 - 19
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Abandoned Well Remediation Research and Development Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 4877, To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to direct the Secretary of Energy to carry out a research, development, and demonstration program with respect to abandoned wells, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Lee, Summer L. [D-PA-12] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:09:00 PM
  Passed:  333 - 75
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Carbon Sequestration Collaboration Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 4824, To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to require the Secretary of Energy to carry out terrestrial carbon sequestration research and development activities, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Baird, James R. [R-IN-4] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:06:00 PM
  Passed:  364 - 44
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Extending Limits of U.S. Customs Waters Act - On Passage
  Bill: HR 529, To extend the customs waters of the United States from 12 nautical miles to 24 nautical miles from the baselines of the United States, consistent with Presidential Proclamation 7219.  (Rep. Waltz, Michael [R-FL-6] )
Vote Date: 4/30/2024 12:01:00 PM
  Passed:  402 - 6
Required: YEA-AND-NAY


Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 4755, To support research on privacy enhancing technologies and promote responsible data use, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Stevens, Haley M. [D-MI-11] )
Vote Date: 4/29/2024 7:12:00 PM
  Passed:  354 - 36
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Fire Weather Development Act - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended
  Bill: HR 4866, To direct the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish a program to improve fire weather and fire environment forecasting, detection, and local collaboration, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Garcia, Mike [R-CA-27] )
Vote Date: 4/29/2024 6:57:00 PM
  Passed:  341 - 48
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY


Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 - On Passage
  Bill: HR 8034, Making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Israel and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK-4] )
Vote Date: 4/20/2024 1:57:00 PM
  Passed:  366 - 58
Required: YEA-AND-NAY


Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 - On Passage
  Bill: HR 8035, Making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Ukraine and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK-4] )
Vote Date: 4/20/2024 1:48:00 PM
  Passed:  311 - 112
Required: YEA-AND-NAY


Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 - On Motion to Recommit
  Bill: HR 8035, Making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Ukraine and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK-4] )
Vote Date: 4/20/2024 1:40:00 PM
  Failed:  88 - 336


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8035, Making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Ukraine and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Cole, Tom [R-OK-4] )
H.Amdt. 893: An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part B of House Report 118-466 to eliminate all non-military funding related to Ukraine. (Rep. Cammack, Kat [R-FL-3])
Vote Date: 4/20/2024 1:32:00 PM
  Failed:  154 - 272