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Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border. - On Agreeing to the Resolution, as Amended
  Bill: HRES 1371 Strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris's, failure to secure the United States border. (Rep. Stefanik, Elise M. [R-NY-21] )
Vote Date: 7/25/2024 10:59:00 AM
  Passed:  220 - 196
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Veasey: N


Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025 - On Passage
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:49:00 PM
  Passed:  210 - 205
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1174: An amendment numbered 91 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to reduce the salary of the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality Brenda Mallory to $1. (Rep. Tenney, Claudia [R-NY-24])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:40:00 PM
  Failed:  160 - 256
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1170: An amendment numbered 85 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to prohibit funds made available by this Act to be used for environmental justice activities. (Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:35:00 PM
  Agreed to:  210 - 204
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1168: An amendment numbered 83 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to eliminate funding for the Council on Environmental Quality and moves the funding to the spending reduction account. (Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:32:00 PM
  Failed:  173 - 243
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1167: An amendment numbered 82 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to prohibit the use of funds for the EPA to take any "backstop" actions related to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL. (Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:29:00 PM
  Failed:  185 - 231
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1166: An amendment numbered 81 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to prohibit the use of funds to give formal notification under, or prepare, propose, implement, administer, or enforce any rule or recommendation pursuant to, section 115 of the Clean Air Act. (Rep. Perry, Scott [R-PA-10])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:25:00 PM
  Failed:  207 - 211
  Veasey: N


Establishing the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump - On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, As Amended
  Bill: HRES 1367 Establishing the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump. (Rep. Kelly, Mike [R-PA-16] )
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:20:00 PM
  Passed:  416 - 0
Required: 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY
  Veasey: Y


Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 1371) strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border - On Agreeing to the Resolution
  Bill: HRES 1376 Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 1371) strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris's, failure to secure the United States border. (Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14] )
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:13:00 PM
  Passed:  210 - 202
  Veasey: N


Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 1371) strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border - On Ordering the Previous Question
  Bill: HRES 1376 Providing for consideration of the resolution (H. Res. 1371) strongly condemning the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris's, failure to secure the United States border. (Rep. Reschenthaler, Guy [R-PA-14] )
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 9:07:00 PM
  Passed:  208 - 195
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1157: An amendment numbered 57 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to reduce the salary of Ya-Wei (Jake) Li, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pesticide Programs, to $1. (Rep. Miller, Mary E. [R-IL-15])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 11:11:00 AM
  Failed:  148 - 267
  Veasey: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8998, Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Simpson, Michael K. [R-ID-2] )
H.Amdt. 1152: An amendment numbered 45 printed in Part B of House Report 118-602 to prohibit funding for the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. (Rep. Harshbarger, Diana [R-TN-1])
Vote Date: 7/24/2024 11:08:00 AM
  Failed:  174 - 239
  Veasey: N