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Joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit - On Passage
  Bill: SJRES 33 A joint resolution joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit. (Sen. Schumer, Charles E. [D-NY] )
Vote Date: 12/15/2021 12:20:00 AM
  Passed:  221 - 209
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Combating International Islamophobia Act - On Passage
  Bill: HR 5665, To establish in the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Omar, Ilhan [D-MN-5] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 11:28:00 PM
  Passed:  219 - 212
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Recommending that the House of Representatives find Mark Randall Meadows in contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol - On Agreeing to the Resolution
  Bill: HRES 851 Recommending that the House of Representatives find Mark Randall Meadows in contempt of Congress for refusal to comply with a subpoena duly issued by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. (Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 11:03:00 PM
  Passed:  222 - 208
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J.Res.33) joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit - On Agreeing to the Resolution
  Bill: HRES 852 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 33) joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit. (Rep. Morelle, Joseph D. [D-NY-25] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 10:36:00 PM
  Passed:  220 - 212
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J.Res.33) joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit - On Ordering the Previous Question
  Bill: HRES 852 Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 33) joint resolution relating to increasing the debt limit. (Rep. Morelle, Joseph D. [D-NY-25] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 10:08:00 PM
  Passed:  220 - 212
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Providing for consideration of the (H.R. 5665) to establish in the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, and for other purposes - On Agreeing to the Resolution
  Bill: HRES 849 Providing for consideration of the (H.R. 5665) to establish in the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, and for other purposes. (Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 4:08:00 PM
  Passed:  219 - 213
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Providing for consideration of the (H.R. 5665) to establish in the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, and for other purposes - On Ordering the Previous Question
  Bill: HRES 849 Providing for consideration of the (H.R. 5665) to establish in the Department of State the Office to Monitor and Combat Islamophobia, and for other purposes. (Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-2] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 3:37:00 PM
  Passed:  220 - 210
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Relating to the consideration of House Report 117-216 and an accompanying resolution - On Agreeing to the Resolution
  Bill: HRES 848 Relating to the consideration of House Report 117–216 and an accompanying resolution. (Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 3:08:00 PM
  Passed:  220 - 210
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Relating to the consideration of House Report 117-216 and an accompanying resolution - On Ordering the Previous Question
  Bill: HRES 848 Relating to the consideration of House Report 117–216 and an accompanying resolution. (Rep. Raskin, Jamie [D-MD-8] )
Vote Date: 12/14/2021 2:39:00 PM
  Passed:  218 - 209
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Protecting Our Democracy Act - On Passage
  Bill: HR 5314, To protect our democracy by preventing abuses of presidential power, restoring checks and balances and accountability and transparency in government, and defending elections against foreign interference, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-28] )
Vote Date: 12/9/2021 4:07:00 PM
  Passed:  220 - 208
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y


Protecting Our Democracy Act - On Motion to Recommit
  Bill: HR 5314, To protect our democracy by preventing abuses of presidential power, restoring checks and balances and accountability and transparency in government, and defending elections against foreign interference, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-28] )
Vote Date: 12/9/2021 3:56:00 PM
  Failed:  212 - 217
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: N


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 5314, To protect our democracy by preventing abuses of presidential power, restoring checks and balances and accountability and transparency in government, and defending elections against foreign interference, and for other purposes.  (Rep. Schiff, Adam B. [D-CA-28] )
H.Amdt. 148: An amendment numbered 25 printed in Part B of House Report 117-205 to assert the Government Accountability Office's investigatory powers over the intelligence community. Requires the Director of National Intelligence to ensure that GAO personnel are provided with access to information in possession by the intelligence community that the Comptroller General determines necessary for analysis, evaluation, or investigation requested by the relevant committee of Congress. (Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria [D-NY-14])
Vote Date: 12/9/2021 3:43:00 PM
  Failed:  196 - 233
Required: YEA-AND-NAY
  Porter: Y