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On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1040: An amendment numbered 15 printed in Part B of House Report 118-559 to prohibit funds for the Bilateral Security Agreement Between the United States of America and Ukraine. (Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:23:00 AM
  Failed:  76 - 334


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1039: An amendment numbered 14 printed in Part B of House Report 118-559 to prohibit funds to approve of Foreign Military Sales to Ukraine. (Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:20:00 AM
  Failed:  61 - 350


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1038: An amendment numbered 13 printed in Part B of House Report 118-559 to prohibit funds for the TechCamp public diplomacy program of the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs. (Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:17:00 AM
  Failed:  156 - 254


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1037: An amendment numbered 9 printed in Part B of House Report 118-559 to prohibit funds from being used to finalize any rule or regulation that has resulted in or is likely to result in an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more. (Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:14:00 AM
  Agreed to:  210 - 204


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1033: An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part B of House Report 118-559 to reduce the salary of the Special Assistant to the Director of Programming at Voice of America to $1. (Rep. Burchett, Tim [R-TN-2])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:10:00 AM
  Failed:  166 - 244


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1032: Amendment sought to reduce funding for the U.S. Institute of Peace to FY2019 enacted levels. (Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:07:00 AM
  Failed:  164 - 244


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1031: Amendment sought to reduce funding for the Global Environment Facility by $139,575,000. (Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:04:00 AM
  Failed:  180 - 227


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8771, Making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Diaz-Balart, Mario [R-FL-26] )
H.Amdt. 1030: Amendment sought to reduce funding for educational and cultural exchange programs to FY2019 levels. (Rep. Brecheen, Josh [R-OK-2])
Vote Date: 6/27/2024 11:00:00 AM
  Failed:  164 - 246


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8752, Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2] )
H.Amdt. 1028: An amendment numbered 59 printed in Part C of House Report 118-559 to prohibit the use of funds to extend "Temporary Protected Status" to any national of Honduras, which was initially granted to Honduran nationals in 1999. (Rep. Tiffany, Thomas P. [R-WI-7])
Vote Date: 6/26/2024 4:40:00 PM
  Failed:  191 - 222


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8752, Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2] )
H.Amdt. 1027: An amendment numbered 58 printed in Part C of House Report 118-559 to prohibit the use of funds to extend "Temporary Protected Status" to any national of El Salvador, which was initially granted to nationals of El Salvador in 2001. (Rep. Tiffany, Thomas P. [R-WI-7])
Vote Date: 6/26/2024 4:37:00 PM
  Failed:  190 - 222


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8752, Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2] )
H.Amdt. 1026: An amendment numbered 57 printed in Part C of House Report 118-559 to prohibit any funds from being spent to compensate the Department of Veteran Affairs for processing medical claims on behalf of individuals detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. (Rep. Steube, W. Gregory [R-FL-17])
Vote Date: 6/26/2024 4:33:00 PM
  Agreed to:  235 - 176


On Agreeing to the Amendment
  Bill: HR 8752, Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. (Rep. Amodei, Mark E. [R-NV-2] )
H.Amdt. 1023: An amendment numbered 54 printed in Part C of House Report 118-559 to prohibit funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act to be made available to carry out, enforce, or implement the process entitled, "Process to Promote the Unity and Stability of Families", announced by the Department of Homeland Security on June 18, 2024. (Rep. Roy, Chip [R-TX-21])
Vote Date: 6/26/2024 4:30:00 PM
  Failed:  193 - 216