Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.527: Numbered 8 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to promote transparency in patent ownership; prote cts customers who are targeted in infringement suits; directs the PTO to develop educational resources for small businesses; instructs the PTO and others to prepare reports on several issues including the use of deceptive demand letters.
(Rep Conyers, John, Jr.)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 1:01:00 PM
Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.526: An amendment numbered 7 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to strike 9(a) from the bill and reorder the remaining subsections of Section 9.
(Rep Rohrabacher, Dana)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 12:57:00 PM
Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.524: An amendment numbered 5 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to expand covered customer definition to all small businesses so long as their annual revenue does not exceed $25 million.
(Rep Jackson Lee, Sheila)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 12:53:00 PM
Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.523: An amendment numbered 4 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to strike section 5, the "Customer-suit exception" provision.
(Rep Massie, Thomas)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 12:50:00 PM
Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.521: An amendment numbered 2 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to bring the fee shifting provision in the underlying bill more closely aligned with the Equal Access to Justice Act. Allows a judge to consider dilatory or other abusive tactics by the prevailing party in determining whether to reduce or deny a fee award.
(Rep Watt, Melvin L.)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 12:46:00 PM
Bill: HR 3309, Innovation Act (Rep Goodlatte, Bob [VA-6] ) H.AMDT.520: An amendment numbered 1 printed in Part A of House Report 113-283 to makes a few technical and clarifying changes. Specifically, under Section 3(d), it clarifies that the exception in paragraph one applies to biosimilars, it also adds an exception for actions seeking relief based on competitive harm, and ensures that the provision is not subject to reverse gamesmanship. Under Section 6(d) it makes clarifying changes that ensure that foreign courts cannot terminate licenses to US IP. Extends time required by the agencies to complete the various studies and reports required in the bill.
(Rep Goodlatte, Bob)
Vote Date: 12/5/2013 12:41:00 PM
To amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to provide a registration exemption for private equity fund advisers, and for other purposes. - On Passage
Bill: HR 1105, Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (Rep Hurt, Robert [VA-5] )
Vote Date: 12/4/2013 5:00:00 PM
To amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to provide a registration exemption for private equity fund advisers, and for other purposes. - On Motion to Recommit with Instructions
Bill: HR 1105, Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (Rep Hurt, Robert [VA-5] )
Vote Date: 12/4/2013 4:53:00 PM
Bill: HR 1105, Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act (Rep Hurt, Robert [VA-5] ) H.AMDT.519: Page 1, strike line 10 and all that follows through page 2, line 17, and insert the following: `(o) Simplified Registration and Disclosure for Small Private Equity Fund Advisers- ***.
(Rep Maloney, Carolyn B.)
Vote Date: 12/4/2013 4:31:00 PM
Providing for consideration of H.R. 3309, the Innovation Act; and H.R. 1105, the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act. - On Agreeing to the Resolution
Bill: HRES 429
Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3309) to amend title 35, United States Code, and the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to make improvements and technical corrections, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1105) to amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to provide a registration exemption for private equity fund advisers, and for other purposes. (Rep Nugent, Richard B. [FL-11] )
Vote Date: 12/4/2013 2:34:00 PM
Providing for consideration of H.R. 3309, the Innovation Act; and H.R. 1105, the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act. - On Ordering the Previous Question
Bill: HRES 429
Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3309) to amend title 35, United States Code, and the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act to make improvements and technical corrections, and for other purposes; and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1105) to amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to provide a registration exemption for private equity fund advisers, and for other purposes. (Rep Nugent, Richard B. [FL-11] )
Vote Date: 12/4/2013 2:28:00 PM